Sunday, May 4, 2008

I just got the large Sun Dome lens installed. It took some planning since it is a 21" reflective tube inside a 24" plastic sleeve. The resolution was to order a special trim ring from the manufacturer which holds the lens and is large enough to cover the entire sleeve. I then glued the lens inside the trim ring and attached it to the concrete ceiling with tapcon concrete screws and caulked around the edge. It does an excellent job of lighting the kitchen/dining module.

These photos do not show it very well due to over exposure, but the lens changes during the day as the sun moves. It actually looks like alabaster glass with a changing pattern. I think it is probably due to the reflection changes caused by the joints in the reflective tube. We were fortunate that we needed only one reflective tube in addition to the top section, which results in more light into the house. (Anyone need a 3' section of highly reflective light metal tubing?)

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