Saturday, February 9, 2008

Living room facing west, ready to pour the 4" floor. The white blocks are polystyrene glued to the top of the 8" hvac ducts to prevent concrete from covering the area for future registers. After pour they will be removed, revealing the top of the ducting, which can then be cut out to allow treated air into the room.
Rebar is held up off the surface by 2" 'chairs' for maximum strength. 6 mil plastic is under the rebar as a vapor barrier. The mound at lower left is for the tub/shower with the wiring, water and drain for the guest bath sink at the middle right. The light green tube at right is the outside air inlet for the toilet area.

Below is the master shower area ready for pour. The boards are to allow the shower floor to be slightly lower than the surrounding room for drainage. The entry will be without a lip for a smooth roll in floor.

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