Saturday, March 8, 2008

The test board for the dining/kitchen floor, designed by Chris.

Ed, from the Permacrete company, starting to apply the color on the floor design. It was laid out first with tape, visible by his knee, which defines the design. At this point the base coat had already been applied to the floor. It is the white surface, which will act as an anchor, leveling out all unevenness and will show through as grout lines when the tape is finally removed. It is also used to give the final surface texture.

This is the final design after application of all color. It will cure for a day, then sealer will be applied, which will result in a rich, matte finish. (The kitchen island is on the left) This room is about 24x24.

At this point we are confident that the Permacrete system will solve our initial problems with the concrete floors.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The floor looks beautiful! -- Maura